General Dentistry

Happy New Year: 5 Resolutions for Your Teeth

Dec 31 • 2 minute read

Fireworks to celebrate the New Year holiday.


The New Year is one of our favorite holidays. It's a chance to take a step back, look at our lives, and set them on a course that we're both proud and happy to live. Of course, many people make resolutions and don't stick to them, but if you see a resolution through, the rewards will feel tremendous as you realize that each new year really is a chance to turn it all around.

People make their New Year's resolutions for a variety of reasons. For some, the New Year is a chance to reclaim their health by making better lifestyle decisions. This post is for those folks: the ones that aren't comfortable with something about their health and make the decision to do something about it. This year, consider making a healthy New Year's resolution for your mouth because it's intricately tied into your overall health and it's a facet many sadly overlook. Here are 5 New Year's resolutions your dentist would love for you to make and keep:

  1. Keep your regular dental appointments. We can't stress enough how important this is. Make a commitment to see your dentist at least twice this next year.
  2. Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Your dentist will tell you to do this every time you see him or her, but we know some people do not follow this advice. This year, make a commitment to do it and keep your oral health on track.
  3. Floss your teeth at least once a day. Flossing your teeth is an important part of your oral health routine, but we dentists are on to you. We know most of you aren't flossing your teeth regularly. This year, make friends with your floss. If you neglect flossing, you're missing about 30%-40% of some of your tooth surfaces.
  4. If you're unhappy with your smile alignment or a dentist has ever told you may need orthodontic care, take the first step this year and make an appointment. If you have ever wanted to straighten your teeth or to fill in gaps in your smile, do it this year. Make an appointment with a dentist or orthodontist and commit to getting your dream smile. It's a great thing to do for our oral health, and the sooner your bite is properly aligned the less you'll likely pay for corrective treatments down the road.
  5. Quit using tobacco. We empathize with those addicted to the habit of smoking or chewing. We understand it's a comfort to many and we respect an adult's decision to choose that habit if they wish. But as health care professionals, you're well aware of our advice on this subject. Tobacco will wreck your health. If you smoke or chew tobacco, we sincerely hope you'll consider quitting this year. If you're one of our patients in Turlock, please inform us of your choice and we'll do whatever we can to support you along the way. It will be one of the best decisions you ever make for your oral and overall health.

Thanks for Reading and Happy New Year!

Rome wasn't built in a day friends, so don't think you have to tackle this list all at once. Pick one or two if you're just not ready for a big lifestyle change. Start small if you have to, but make a resolution to take better care of your oral health this year.

Happy New Year to our readers, patients, friends, family, and staff! Make 2015 your year!

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