Family Dentistry

5 Powerful Reasons to Make Quitting Smoking Your Resolution

Dec 23 • 2 minute read

A no smoking sign.


It's about that time of year when people start thinking about all the things they want to resolve in the new year. Maybe it's losing 15 lbs, or learning how to play guitar, or spending more time at home and less at work. For many people, it will be giving up smoking.

Tobacco use is linked to so many oral health problems that we decided this New Year, we're going to give the folks that are giving up cigarettes a little encouragement. Here's five great reasons to kick the habit in 2016:

Secondhand smoke from parents has recently been linked to tooth decay for children in the home.

A recent study at health care centers in Kobe City, Japan was done to determine if smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke would lead to a higher rate of cavities for infants in homes where at least one parent smoked. They discovered that the risk of cavities doubled in homes where secondhand smoke was prevalent. This is powerful resolution fuel for parents who smoke!

You will sleep better.

A Johns Hopkins study discovered that nicotine withdrawals heavy smokers experience throughout the night can interrupt sleep-wake cycles. Smokers are four times more likely to feel unrested in the morning.

You will have greater bone density.

In a study published in the Journal of Bone Mineral Research, researchers discovered that women were more likely to have 2.3%-3.3% less bone density if they smoked. Other research has also shown that smokers carry a higher risk of osteoporosis.

Think of all the money you'll get to keep.

Money makes a good argument in the case to quit smoking. According to, a government anti-smoking site, cigarette prices increase about 6% each year. If the average price of a pack of cigarettes is about $6 (actually low for many areas) and you smoke about a pack a day, you'll save yourself almost $30,000 over the next 10 years. That doesn't even account for all the money you'll save in other health related costs.

You will lower your stress.

Many people smoke because they see it as a way to relieve stress. The truth is, physiologically and emotionally, the habit is actually a source of a great stress. Studies show that your stress levels will decrease when you stop smoking.

Thanks for Reading, and Happy New Year!

Good luck on any changes you make in 2016! We wish health, happiness, and success to all our friends, family, wonderful staff, patients, and all of you!

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