We recently saw a cool story on Yahoo! Health (link is at the bottom of this post if you want to check it out) that discussed what would actually happen if you stopped brushing your teeth. In the article, writer Amy Capetta interviews Dr. Mark S. Wolff, a professor in the Department of Cariology and Comprehensive Care at New York University College of Dentistry. Here's a summary of what he says happens days, weeks, months, and even a year after you stop brushing your teeth:
One Day:
Dr. Wolff says after the first day not much damage is done, but it does start to progress quickly. He adds that bad breath will set in after by the second day.
A Week:
After about seven days, Dr. Wolff explains that plaque begins to accumulate on the teeth and become thicker. He also notes that this is when gum disease starts to show. Gums will become irritated and red and may bleed a little.
A Month:
After about a month, the bacteria in your mouth really start to do serious damage, Dr. Wolff says in the article. There will be serious risk of tooth decay and visible signs of enamel breakdown.
A Year:
At this stage of neglect, gums become red and inflamed, but Dr. Wolff says the extent of tooth decay is dependent upon age and diet. A younger person with a healthier diet will be more resilient and may experience some tooth decay and inflamed gums, whereas an older adult with the same diet may experience severe gum disease and tooth loss.
Our Thoughts:
What we liked about the full article is that it's a good, simple look at the deterioration of a person's oral health over the course of a year. It also helps illustrate how your body reacts to a breakdown in regular upkeep.
It's also important to note that while all this is happening in your mouth, your physical health is suffering and your risk for serious conditions such as heart disease and stroke are increasing.
Thanks for Reading!
Please read the full article for a more complete breakdown. If you enjoy reading our blog, like us on Facebook to see when we publish new posts.