Family Dentistry

A Guide to Your Child’s Tooth Development

Jul 1 • 2 minute read

An infant chewing laying on its belly and chewing on a yellow teething toy.


It’s natural to be curious about the milestones in your child's development, including the arrival of their baby teeth. Knowing the typical order in which children get their teeth can provide valuable insights into their oral health journey and prepare you for what’s coming as a parent. In this blog post, we will explore the fascinating process of tooth eruption and the general sequence in which children's teeth make their debut.


Teething is the process in which baby teeth break through the gums, allowing your child to chew and speak. On average, teething begins around six months of age, though it can vary from child to child. The eruption of primary teeth, also known as deciduous or baby teeth, follows a predictable pattern.

Central Incisors

The first teeth to appear are usually the two lower central incisors, located at the bottom front of the mouth. They typically emerge between six to ten months of age. These tiny pearly whites pave the way for your child's early chewing experiences and add to their adorable smile.

Lateral Incisors

Next in line are the upper and lower lateral incisors, positioned on either side of the central incisors. These teeth usually make their entrance around eight to twelve months of age. Your child's smile starts to become more noticeable and well-rounded as these four front teeth appear.

First Molars

Around the age of twelve to sixteen months, the first molars start to emerge in the back of your child's mouth. These teeth are essential for chewing and grinding food effectively. The appearance of molars marks a significant milestone in your child's oral development and expands their eating capabilities.


Canines, also known as cuspids, are the pointy teeth located beside the lateral incisors. They usually make their appearance between sixteen to twenty months of age. Canines play a crucial role in biting and tearing food. Their appearance adds depth and character to your child's growing smile.

Second Molars

Completing the set of primary teeth, the second molars erupt around twenty to thirty months of age. These molars are positioned behind the first molars and provide extra surface area for chewing. They contribute to the development of a strong and functional bite.

The Transition to Permanent Teeth

As your child reaches the age of five or six, their primary teeth gradually start to loosen and fall out to make room for permanent teeth. The order in which children lose their baby teeth is often similar to the order of eruption. The first to be lost are usually the central incisors, followed by the lateral incisors, canines, first molars, and second molars. The process continues until around the age of twelve or thirteen, when the last baby teeth are typically replaced by permanent premolars and molars.

Thanks for Reading!

It's important to remember that every child is unique, and there may be slight variations in the timing of tooth eruption and loss. Regular dental check-ups with your child’s dentist are essential to address any concerns along the way. 

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